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Cannot listen on port pop up window

by amcuamca on 2024/09/18 09:15:01 AM    
I access internet via dynamic IP provided by ISP therefore even if I set up port forwarding or use UPNP settings, I still can't connections due to NAT. I tried fixed/dedicated IP for a few months and I was able to feed and listen DHT with no issues.

Since I am stuck with this dynamic IP by ISP, listening on these ports fail and Tixati keeps popping up that error window and stealing focus all the time. This is getting annoying. I'm already avare of the situation and I keep clicking on IGNORE however it keeps coming back later.

Can you add an option in settings to turn off this pop up window in settings. I would like to set it to ignore or let it handle itself with auto change ports without asking me every time some connection fails?

I want to make it clear that I already set up port forwarding and even tried DMZ option but since it is due to ISP sharing IP addresses, I can't really help it. Sometimes I get listening OK status and sometimes not.
by notaLamer on 2024/10/12 12:29:45 PM    
If you have a router in front of your PC, then it's impossible for Tixati to report an unavailable port due to the network hierarchy. What Tixati does is request a port from your OS and if it doesn't get one, then your OS denied it access to the port. It has got nothing to do with a dynamic IP address.

If the port was actually unusable from your router's perspective, you'd simply not get ANY incoming or outgoing connections without a warning. Please check if an antivirus (Windows Defender) or firewall interferes on your computer.

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