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Tixati v2.73 on Windows 10 saturates system drive C:

by Guest on 2024/09/18 04:33:57 AM    
I've changed the setting for "Incomplete Storage Location" to another drive (the same drive where I'm downloading) but Tixati still saturates my system drive. When this overload first begins, I can see that the transfers with maximum "B/s In" will have many pieces showing as "trying to save" or "need more blocks to repair". If I quickly reduce the incoming bandwidth (or unplug from the network) my system will "catch up" soon, but if I'm not observing the program it will shortly make my system unusable, with the system drive saturated at 100%. I suspect that one or more of the Tixati config files is being updated continuously? Even if I'm able to convince Tixati to stop all downloads and exit, it continues to run (without a user interface, "in the background" so-to-speak). Depending on how long Tixati "struggled" before I intervened, the process may run for many hours in this state before it finally exits. If instead I kill the process, then every active transfer will demand to be checked when Tixati is restarted.
Any advice on how to overcome this behavior? I don't see any way to move the config files to another drive - if that is in fact what's causing the problem. Help please :-(
by Anoid on 2024/09/20 06:19:02 PM    
I use Windows 11 and it seems that the latest version of Tixati works fine. I use SSD and depending on the machine I am using it may have more storage.
by Guest on 2024/09/20 10:14:23 PM    
That is a very old version and there have been many updates and improvements since that version.
You should try updating to the newest version.
by Guest on 2024/09/21 07:03:09 AM    
Thanks for the tips. I upgraded, and now I regret it. I guess I'll post a new topic, asking what is the last version to have non-fading scrollbars.
by Guest on 2024/09/21 02:45:21 PM    
go to settings-user interface-behavior
press configure button for scrolling options
there you can make your own options for scrolling or pick a default
by notaLamer on 2024/10/12 11:51:58 AM    
@Topic starter:
1. Yes, Tixati continually resaves its config files as a whole, causing huge writes if you have joined many channels (channels2.dat) and loaded up many torrents. It's a necessary evil to ensure the configs are always valid and saved correctly.

2. You should name your SSD and internet connection speed. If you don't want to name the SSD model, look at benchmarks how well it performs with 4-64K writes and continuous writes stress test (dozens of gigabytes sequential).

3. It's possible to move your config files elsewhere, the easiest would be to turn your Tixati into a portable installation. If Tixati sees "tixati_portable_mode.txt" in its own folder (next to EXE) at launch, it will store configs in the same folder. If you installed Tixati in a regular way, you'll need to copy the .dat config files from %AppData% or whereever it is on Windows (for an easy way: search for "channels2.dat" in your C:/Users/NAME/ folder including hidden folders). Please make copies of your settings files before proceeding.

4. "Incomplete-piece" storage should be separate from your download drive if possible. That's where incoming pieces are stored until downloaded in full.

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