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Certain dialog boxes do not remember last position
on 2024/09/04 02:28:08 PM
Is anyone else having some dialog boxes not remain where you last positioned them like when you add a magnet link or renaming? No matter how many times I re-center it, the next time its centered as if the window was snapped to the left half of the screen (this is on Windows 10). The thing is, the add torrent window is centered and remains centered (or where ever I last positioned it).
on 2024/09/07 08:05:20 PM
I have the same problem with dialog boxes appeared in v3.29.
on 2024/09/09 05:59:56 AM
Ah yes, I should have mentioned the version I'm using, which is also v3.29
on 2024/09/09 12:44:51 PM
some windows ALWAYS open in the middle of the main window.
on 2024/09/09 06:26:44 PM
It looks like there was some very poor coding inserted for dialog boxes in the v3.29 update - see my other thread noting the behaviour of the file-rename dialog, which should be a modal dialog but does not capture keys correctly, and loses focus in the middle of typing when new torrents are parsed and added to the main window transfer list. :(
on 2024/09/12 04:01:13 AM
Why does everything have to be non-standard and the wheel unnecessarily reinvented every time? Even a cross-platform UI framework supports native widgets, yet we have scrollbars without arrow buttons (now reintroduced, but still not standard-looking), 'modal' dialogs that are anything but, standard keys like Enter, ESC etc. being ignored or misinterpreted, lack of hotkeys, torrent file views that get reset every time a different torrent is selected and never stay expanded... the list goes on. All mostly tiny irritants by themselves, sure, but adding up to an overall UI experience that's simply sub-par (which is a real shame).
on 2024/09/28 04:42:56 PM
Yup. It's great to see something different tried, but there's a reason that certain basic user-interface conventions have stuck around consistently since the GUI was developed by Xerox back in the 1970s (nearly 50 years ago now!). They work. They indicate unambiguously to the user how to use the software (like default dialog buttons being highlighted). They reduce the learning curve, especially with an interface as deep/complex as Tixati has. And did I mention they work?
Rebuilding everything without recognising these things have been done a certain way for very good reason for so long isn't helping anyone.
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