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[temporary request]Disable IPv6 for vulnerable Windows versions.

by Guest on 2024/09/02 09:17:54 PM    
Due to being a torrent application, users of Tixati do likely have open ports towards their computer.

I think it would be a nice touch (temporary feature) to detect Win7/Win8.1/unpatched Win10/Win11 version, and prompt the user to disable IPv6 networking in Windows or at least in Tixati with a single click. For those who may have auto-update enabled for Tixati, but not for Windows-

Thanks for developing Tixati!
by Guest on 2024/09/13 02:59:39 AM    
Rufus can fix Windows 11 to run on most any machine with 4GB RAM, secure boot is required and two cores is also required

Windows 11 works better with 8GB RAM and 4 cores

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