by Guest on 2024/08/30 04:06:54 PM
I have a weird problem: After a mishap in my own folders where paths have changed and file moved, lots and lots of torrents in seeding (completed) are now offline.
does tixati have a "search for file" option or would i need to "move" the torrent to the new location and force check the file? not sure if that's a good explanation.
I'm fairly sure i used a client in the past tht was able to "relink" the files on disk to the torrent after they had been moved.
Iremember I just needed to choose a folder and it would scan it and subfolders to find the torrent files. Kind of what adobe premiere pro does with offline files, it looks for name, size, length hash in the indicated folder
by Guest on 2024/08/31 12:46:26 PM
Thanks for the reply. I understand that and I have been able to do it this way
I was wondering if there's a more automatic way, as you can imagine it's quite troublesome to do with loads of torrents. If the window to select the folder had a path field to paste the ne one it'd be helpful or make the path field in the torrent properties editable please
by Guest on 2024/09/01 08:13:25 PM
Unfortunately i do not. looks like all manual it'll be r they'll just stay offline. Thanks anyways.
As a suggestion, a path picker that makes use of windows explorer would be more useful instead of the current dropdown menu which looks ancient and does not support the input of a path.
Also if the path field in the torrent properties was editable it'd be better in my opinion.