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Two Request

by i990049 on 2024/08/25 09:37:16 PM    
1.Automatic shutdown at a customized time. Many private tracker sites have a specific free time, after which downloads will be counted, hoping to add this timed shutdown feature.
2.Add more option forever RSS filter.Thanks you.
min size
max size
min seeds
max seeds
min peers
max age
all the setting above are useful for RSS, thanks.
by Guest on 2024/08/26 07:12:59 AM    
You can already do the first one. Use the scheduler to auto-shutdown.
by i990049 on 2024/08/26 09:03:53 AM    
I mean specific time,such as 22:00,0:00. Now it can only be set to shut down after a maximum of 12 hours, and if the computer is turned on at 8 am in the morning, it can only be shut down at 8 pm, and it cannot be set to automatically shut down at 10 pm and 0 am.Not to mention the automatic shutdown at 1 am and 3 am.
by Guest on 2024/09/06 01:59:26 PM    
I see that this is possible. Once you turn on your scheduler you can set it up. https://imgur.com/a/4bhVNfD

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