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***** Tixati v3.29 is Now Available! *****    📌    🔒  

by janet on 2024/08/23 01:25:12 AM    
August 22, 2024

Tixati version 3.29 is now available. There have been many fixes and improvements:

- several new options in Settings > User Interface > Behavior > Scrolling Options
- optional scrollbar end buttons
- option for scrollbar trough-click to either page up/down or direct jump to position
- several preset scrollbar configurations available at bottom of Scrolling Options window
- added several new customizable colors for greater control over scrollbar appearance
- file layout validator now tolerates v1+2 hybrid torrents with multiple trailing unaligned zero-length files
- added workaround to deal with other client's broken v1+2 hybrid torrents that use wrong v1 last-piece hash
- file name sanitizer now allows most file/folder names that begin with reserved characters
- RSS filter improved to better handle file names that separate words with periods instead of spaces
- added ctrl-ins / shift-ins as alias for ctrl-c / ctrl-v in all views
- re-wrote initial window placement, centering, and persistence routines for Windows builds
- in Windows builds, eliminated hover-detection SetCapture/ReleaseCapture calls
- minor compatibility workaround for Windows builds to work better with mouse gesture apps
- fixed rare crash in Linux build notebook/paned/frame controls during window close
- tray menu Show/Hide commands now work correctly on all secondary floating windows and views
- fixed window raise/activation order problems after tray double-click on Windows builds
- fixed problems with some secondary windows staying hidden after app password unlock
- chat window now scrolls to bottom after activity notification is clicked
- fixed problems with Linux tray balloon click notifications being passed to other app instances
- Browse button in private message window now works correctly
- Contact button in forum message window and browse window now makes contact temporary when unchecked
- added double-click debounce algorithm to all tree/list views to prevent unintentional duplicate actions
- rewrote background line-wrap updater for multiline rich text controls, fixed scroll jumping problems
- added Show/Hide options to popup menu that appears when right-clicking main window top buttons
- fixed backward direction when using ctrl-up/down to move selected items in Trackers tab
- fixed bytes complete / remaining inaccuracies in Peer properties window for torrents with padding files
- fixed problems with channels not DHT searching when Settings > Transfers > Peers > Protocols has v1 disabled
- fixed Linux build problems with trackpad high-precision scrolling in Wayland

Thanks for using Tixati!

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