What's happening:
when downloading a torrent often there are peers that tend to leech aggressively. They are peers, meaning both them and me are still downloading and we both have pieces other can use. They do limit their upload speed significantly somehow i.e. downloading at 500kb and uploading at 10kb. And it doesn't seem to be anything network related, i can check that by enabling force chock on such peers manually. Their download stops and upload slowly rises 10-20x from what it was before, that's until their client choking back.
The ratio with such peers is usually around 10+ and when they have nothing else they can get from me they're usually disconnect or choke continuously.
Is there a setting to mitigate this behavior? I can do that manually by toggling force choke on and off, but it's not something i want to do. I've seen something related about using allowance but it doesn't seem to make much difference when i enable it(am i using it wrong? if it works for you, what are your settings?).
If there's a way to make this automatic choking work pleas point me in it's direction. I would imagine it could work as long as both peers have something to offer each other and don't block anything if it's just seeding going on.