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Unintuitive way to Move Trackers with the Keyboard

by Guest on 2024/08/07 08:41:43 AM    
I discovered by chance just now that selecting trackers in the Trackers tab/list and pressing Ctrl+Up/Down moves them.

However, Ctrl+Up moves the selected trackers down, and Ctrl+Down moves the selected trackers up in the list.

A bit unintuitive, don't you think? How about simply moving in the direction of the arrow key pressed?

[ This is on Win10 BTW, in case it behaves differently on other OSes. ]
by janet on 2024/08/23 03:47:57 AM    
Upgrade to v3.29, this has been fixed.
by Guest on 2024/09/02 07:25:56 PM    
@Janet: Unfortunately this has only been partially fixed.

Moving 1 or more trackers messes up the spacing between them, i.e. deletes any blank lines that separate different tracker groups.

Try it for yourself - Move a tracker with group number say 5 up with Ctrl+Up, and it will now also be numbered 4, i.e. there will now be two trackers numbered 4. Edit the trackers list and see - the former tracker #5 has indeed been moved above the former tracker #4, but since the blank line between the two has been deleted, they are now grouped together and are both numbered 4.

Ctrl+Up/Down should only be used for moving tracker group(s) up/down IMO, not merging them. If someone wants to merge groups together, they can do so by explicitly editing the list and manually deleting the blank lines between the groups desired to be merged.
by Guest on 2024/09/02 07:45:43 PM    
P.S. While testing the fix for this the dev should confirm that edge cases such as moving one or more selected groups to the very top and very bottom of the list also work properly without unnecessary merging.
by Guest on 2024/09/14 11:49:40 PM    
I can confirm that this bug is now worse in 3.29.
by Guest on 2024/12/13 12:21:05 AM    
@Janet: The bug introduced in 3.29 has still NOT been fixed in 3.31

When can we expect a fix?
by Guest on 2025/01/23 12:36:39 AM    
@Janet: The bug introduced in 3.29 has still NOT been fixed in 3.32

When can we expect a fix?

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