by Guest on 2024/07/23 12:55:20 PM
PLEASE bring back the up/down arrows on the scrollbars!! Even if you do it as an option, PLEASE, PLEASE bring back the up/down arrows on the scrollbars!! Thanks for considering this request!!
by Guest on 2024/08/27 01:33:40 PM
Absolutely NEED these back too, and happy to learn there's a plan to reinstate them.
But yes, as the poster above me asked, why were they removed in the first place? I know the app probably uses some sort of common UI framework for the Windows and Linux versions (Qt?), but surely that doesn't mean having non-standard non-native UI elements for each OS that disrupt usage. Unless this was done deliberately in order to 'update' the look, which is ridiculous. There are long-standing research-based reasons for the existence of these UI elements, however tiny, and it is really not necessary for every app developer to reinvent the wheel in a misguided attempt to make their app look so-called 'modern'.
Thanks for the app BTW; other than a few long-standing niggles (like lack of support for torrents with large piece sizes), it's otherwise great.