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[3.27] Crash when using Apply To All

by Guest on 2024/07/21 07:30:29 PM    
Tixati hard crashes when checking Apply To All and hitting Start in the Load Transfer dialog.

Windows 10, 64-bit.
by Guest on 2024/07/21 11:29:01 PM    
i tried this in win7 and it did NOT crash.
i guess its just a win10 issue
i hope you sent in the crash report.
by Guest on 2024/07/22 12:34:32 AM    
win10 does not crash for me
for the load transfer window you do mean 'select all' instead of 'apply to all'?
is there a button im missing?
by Guest on 2024/07/22 07:44:15 AM    
Apply To All appears when you have multiple torrents waiting to be started, stopped or removed.  It's a checkbox that appears near the Start button.

Additionally, the application hard crashed and does not prompt to send a crash report.  So I guess I'll post it here.

(Link removed by Mod and sent to Devs)
by janet on 2024/07/22 05:18:46 PM    
Thanks for posting the crash report.
It should be fixed in the next release.
by janet on 2024/07/23 01:02:42 AM    
Tixati v3.28 is out and this should be fixed.

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