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Magnet no longer works

by Guest on 2024/07/19 02:48:08 PM    
Sinds de nieuwe versie werken magnet links niet meer?
Is zwaar irritant, bij p bay is dat de enige optie...
En heb online nog geen oplossing gevonden.


Since the new version, magnet links no longer work?
Is very annoying, with p bay that's the only option...
And haven't found a solution online yet.
by Guest on 2024/07/21 02:09:07 PM    
Het blijkt wel te werken als je het opend als prive window


It does seem to work if you open it as a private window
by Guest on 2024/08/04 04:52:46 AM    
Since it works in Private mode, this seems like a browser (settings) issue. Create a brand new browser profile without any add-ons to check.

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