by Guest on 2024/07/13 09:42:39 PM
I have one big file that is for Drop All and a second file that has just one entry to Accept Matches from - the IP is in the wide IP range in the first file, I want just that IP excluded.
How does Tixati prioritize file loading order for IP Filter?
It seems to me, it like randomly chooses which file gets to go first. Sometimes it connects, sometimes it shows IP blocked...
Force Reload on the single entry file whitelists the IP so Tixati doesn't say the target is blocked by the list.
Is this a bug or an oversight by devs or I'm misunderstanding priority?
I also kinda wish Tixati had a feature to allow selecting a tracker to add into "don't block" custom list.
by Guest on 2024/07/14 08:22:52 AM
I figured out one issue that I didn't notice: the tracker I wanted to whitelist was actually alternating between two different IPs, so I had to whitelist them both, now I don't see the IP being blocked message under Trackers.
I found the "Add IP Filter" help page, it says "When an IP is checked, it will start at the first list in the IP Filter View and work it's way down.", but... my exclusions list is at top in the "IP Filter View" - if I set it to the bottom of the block list and tell tracker to Announce, Tixati will show IP blocked message. So Tixati actually reads the lists bottom up.
I use IPfilter extensively, it works from top to bottom. That's why I placed whitelists at the top and blacklists at the bottom. If you have a big blacklist like all AWS IP addresses then you can put it at the top for efficiency and so on.
If you have issues with peers/trackers, I suggest to either disable (remove) the lists or reorder them as you did. You can test this with any connectable user from channels by putting their IP in a single file.