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OS default colors

by Guest on 2024/07/13 02:22:40 PM    
Why is it in v3.19 the OS default colors looked nice, but every version since then the OS default colors seemed non-existent?  In v3.19 there were lines for each row with every other row shaded, but since then no lines and no shading.
by Guest on 2024/09/30 10:17:31 PM    
The interface in new versions looks too flat and very inconsistent with the rest of the system compared to 3.19.
Using Windows Classic theme on W7, Dark Background scheme on Tixati.
Also DHT, Scheduler, Settings and Help button icons can no longer be disabled. Overall UI looks worse than before.
by Guest on 2024/10/06 09:26:31 PM    
One more thing, the default menu background in "os default" color scheme is too dark compared to a normal app menu on windows. it should more or less match other ui panels instead.
And selected menu item scheme is weird too - white text and same background, instead of the usual windows scheme of same text and darker background.

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