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tixati on fresh windows install

by darthdeku on 2024/06/30 04:32:13 AM    
Good evening I am having issue with tixati on a new windows 11 install... it was working fine before but out of nowhere when i reboot or shutdown my pc any new torrents i start seem to dissapear from the download list. and i have to re find the torrent and start it again for it to continue. has anyone had this issue? and know of a fix
by Guest on 2024/07/01 01:18:53 PM    
Maybe the database files get corrupted, and have to be reverted, or the shutdown process kills Tixati before it can save everything? Check the partition with chkdsk anyway, and look for anything about read or write errors in system journals.
by darthdeku on 2024/07/04 05:43:45 PM    
Hey thank  you for the response! ive ran that and it hasnt come up with anything corrupt ill give it another go and see what happens but do you have any other suggestions on what to try just in case?
by Guest on 2024/07/05 01:26:12 AM    
Are you closing Tixati before you shutdown/restart?
Or is it still running when you start the shutdown/restart process?
by darthdeku on 2024/07/05 03:18:29 PM    
usually its still open...but before building a new pc and the fresh windows install that never happened... i should probably just close it before shut down
by notaLamer on 2024/07/11 02:56:13 PM    
Try the version 3.26?
fixed problems saving config on SIGTERM / system shutdown

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