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Migrate completed torrents to another VM running Tixati

by TixMan on 2024/06/18 03:20:41 AM    
I would like to engineer a process where torrents which successfully complete are 'migrated' to a second computer also running Tixati where their seeding can continue for a long time.  I have storage and computing resources to spare for this.  I want to give back to those looking for low-seeded, rare'r torrents like I have at times (that sometimes consume months to download), and which I particularly care about.  I at least want to be one more significant seeder for such things.

My setup:  I have a physical computer which has my torrent Virtual Machine (VM) running on it.  It is successfully running Tixati v3.25 under Centos Stream 9 (which I keep regularly patched/updated).  Torrents which complete downloading are auto-moved from the local hard drive to a network attached share.

Since I look to use downloads soon after they are successfully moved, I've tended to leave them running in Tixati for another day-or-two'ish, but then delete them out of Tixati so I can go use what I've downloaded.  I then move the completed download(s) to someplace else so as to keep the network attached share 'clean' and empty'ish.

What I'd like to see happen is that when any given torrent is complete (out of what I'll now call the "Tixati PRIMEdownloader" VM), it should get stopped automatically.  Then, the details Tixati knows about that torret would get automatically extracted from out of Tixati and saved (ideally somewhere in relation to the content which was already auto-migrated to the network attached share).

I would then have a "Tixati SECONDARYseeder" VM which then automatically inherits the torrent, copies the files specific to 'this' torrent into the storage the "Tixati SECONDARYseeder" VM exclusively uses and then fires up the torrent for seeding.  I haven't built this VM yet.  I'd configure the "Tixati SECONDARYseeder" VM to host only fully downloaded torrents for seeding, with no limits on upload ratios, etc...  Bandwith would be adjusted to prioritize outgoing bytes.

I'm solid in bash scripting, I don't know how to go about doing this; as I've basically been a torrent consumer, to date.  Now I want to give a whole lot back.

Thank you in advance for pointers and suggestions.
by Guest on 2024/06/18 07:21:10 PM    
Hey that sounds like a great setup and fab idea.

OK it might be more complex, I don't know your full circumstances, but I would start with this idea

1) On your main Tixati setup. In SETTINGS >> TRANSFERS >> Meta-Info >> set the "Save .torrent when a transfer completes" to a folder IE: TIXATI_AUTOMATION_MM (MM=Main Machine)
Every time your main Tixati machine completes a download, the .torrent file will be saved in TIXATI_AUTOMATION_MM

2) Use bash or whatever scripting to MV (move) these files into your Virtual Machine (second Tixati) you could call it TIXATI_AUTOMATION_VM (VM=Virtual Machine)
Have your second Tixati configured to watch: In SETTINGS >> TRANSFERS >> Meta-Info >> "Open .torrent files created or moved into this folder"

3) If both these machines share the same NETWORK IP range(s) then they should transfer between themselves on the local network
Is that any good for a starting point ?

4) Take a look at using SCHEDULER in Tixati - This can do so much for you, like Start Stop torrents, set network/bandwidth speeds high/low for night/day times etc.

You might even be able to get it to run your BASH or ./sh script for you?

Let me know how you get on with this idea?
by TixMan on 2024/06/19 10:29:47 PM    
@Guest.... that seems like a great start.  I should have some time to putz around with that either this weekend or next.
I appreciate the input go get me going.
Thank you! :)

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