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Does not start at Archlinux after system update

by Guest on 2024/06/13 08:59:07 AM    
Error message at the start:
libxml2: getentropy failed with error code 38

Version of libxml2 installed:
libxml2 2.13.0-1
by Guest on 2024/06/17 10:43:46 AM    
by Guest on 2024/06/24 09:55:46 PM    
Downgrading to libxml2 2.12.7 makes Tixati work, but I noticed it might be a bigger thing because this piece of sh!t GNOME library crashes most of the programs I run such as conky, libvirt, florence (on screen keyboard), etc. What would work is compiling this yourself but disabling getentropy call at compile time...
by janet on 2024/07/10 10:42:27 AM    
This should be fixed in v3.26 which is out now.

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