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bad access error

by shawnsbrain66 on 2024/06/06 11:08:35 PM    
Tixati has been running for a long time, but yesterday it started popping up.

Could not listen for incoming connections
Address: tcp:
Error: Bad access (10013)

I've tried opening port 11486 for in/out tcp/udp, running as administrator, setting Multi-tracker accoune mode to first working group, and installing the latest version.

Nothing has worked so far.

Any suggestions?
by shawnsbrain66 on 2024/06/07 12:13:45 AM    
forgot to say this is Win10

Datto RMM was added about a week ago.
by notaLamer on 2024/06/07 07:22:11 PM    
running as administrator
Then I think Windows Defender / Antivirus still prohibits Tixati from network activity. Not too long ago Defender has been configured by Microsoft to be hostile against torrent clients. Try to exempt Tixati or to move from Windows

PS: On the off chance that the port is in use, try to give Tixati a new random port.
by Guest on 2024/06/10 06:53:18 PM    
netstat tells me tixati is using the port. I will try exempting in defender

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