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Tixati v3.25 RSS filter can't exclude 720p

by i990049 on 2024/05/26 12:08:36 PM    
Maybe can't exclude 2160p either.
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by i990049 on 2024/05/27 06:50:49 PM    
by notaLamer on 2024/05/30 11:54:26 PM    
I'm not sure if you are a native English speaker, double-check that the "720p" in the filter is the Latin p and not a Cyrillic letter.
by Guest on 2024/06/02 05:14:34 AM    
I copied 720p 2160p directly from the RSS name.
by i990049 on 2024/06/02 11:14:56 AM    
These are definitely in English not other language.
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