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Feature request: reduce last activity update frequency

by Guest on 2024/05/25 04:40:29 PM    
Please reduce last activity update frequency. Its impossible to select torrents in order when they are ordered by last activity.
Please introduce lower update frequency or let us configure it. If torrent goes from inactive to active then it could be updated immediately, if they are already at the top i dont want them jumping around like crazy.
Or maybe itroduce some fixed ticks in time so one torrent get updated at 145ms and the other at 748ms and the third at 471ms.
Thanks for great client.
by notaLamer on 2024/05/30 11:50:24 PM    
+1. I think it would be enough if the list was resorted only every 2nd or 3rd update. This would give up to date values and enough time to select necessary torrents. Similar usability improvements can be had by temporarily pausing the sorting (but still updating) only after user interaction for a few seconds.
by Guest on 2024/06/03 03:28:19 AM    
by TixMan on 2024/06/13 06:16:20 PM    
+1 to providing a configurable update frequency.  Scaling that in half-second increments seems reasonable.
Thank you for the greatest torrent client!
by Guest on 2024/06/15 01:14:19 PM    

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