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***** Tixati v3.25 is Now Available! *****    📌    🔒  

by janet on 2024/05/22 12:59:26 PM    
May 21, 2024

Tixati version 3.25 is now available. There have been many important fixes and improvements:

- added optional Tracker Status column in main transfers view
- forced tracker announce now correctly posts a refresh event instead of always a start event
- fixed minor timing issues after tracker announce manually cancelled
- stopped new temporary contacts posting an online notification if created by incoming message
- contacts button in main window blinks if incoming message is waiting and contacts view is closed
- fixed crash in diagnostic file operations log when closed and re-opened within certain interval
- fixed translation problems with labels at top of home view and top of floating channel window
- fixed minor problems with ctrl-left and ctrl-right word skipping in all edit boxes and text controls
- numerous rendering fixes in rich text controls
- several other minor tweaks to the GUI
- updated IP location tables

Thanks for using Tixati!

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