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Request :  Simple  [Copy Paste] option

by heydony on 2024/05/15 01:46:55 PM    
On Windows Plaform
It exist two mode for Copy Paste

Mode 1
The Control Key is ok
Copy = Control-C
Paste = Control-V

Mode 2
Missing assignation with the insert Key
copy = Control-Insert
paste = Shift-Insert

Is it possible to assign mode 2 in your next release?

I really Like Tixati
Long life to you
by Guest on 2024/06/22 08:19:47 AM    

Shift+Del (cut)

Stil using v3.11 (downgrade), there everything works :)
by Guest on 2024/07/10 10:40:29 AM    
From the news page of v3.26 (just released)
added ctrl-insert shortcut to clipboard copy in text controls
added shift-insert shortcut to clipboard paste in text controls
added shift-delete shortcut to clipboard cut in text controls

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