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Unable to adjust column widths, nor xfer tab win height

by TixMan on 2024/04/18 10:31:35 PM    
I'm using Centos8 with Tixati v3.24 installed and working.  Just began using it again after a couple years without.  I recall the configuration/settings 'way back when' allowed the column widths (i.e. 'Name', 'Bytes', etc...) in the Transfers windows to be dynamically resized by just dragging and moving the edge (of the column itself).  All that does now is re-order the columns; which isn't what I want.  I also recall the bottom window 'height' where the "Details", 'Peers' and other tabs relating info about any given transfer could be adjusted in height, too---which I can no longer do.

I've reviewed the Help and Support, searched the forum posts and reviewed the Settings for configuration items, and nothing seems to be indicating what the issue could be for me.  Is adjusting column widths a thing of the past?

Thank you.
by TixMan on 2024/06/13 11:04:23 PM    
I have recently updated Tixati to v3.25, and the problems about managing column widths persist.
My base OS is CentOS 9 Stream, which I keep patched/updated.  I am also using KDE as my desktop environment.

I've attempted to also use each of the LeftShift, Ctrl and ALT keys, in various combinations with the Left Mouse Button.... all to no effect.  Tried them all with the middle, and then with the right mouse button.... absolutely no ability to change column width's.  Right and/or Left mouse button clicking on any given column title simply selects the column for sorting, or inverses the current sort.

For example, I am unable to adjust the width of the Bytes column It is just SO wide.  I cannot adjust the Created, nor the Last Activity to actually see the time... they are just elipsed out with dots.  :(

Interestingly, when I've got the Catagories pane enabled on the left side of the Tixati window.... I can hover over the right edge of that 'pane' and I see the mouse cursor change to what looks like a pull'able double-left-right-arrow.  However, I'm unable to move that either Left or Right to actually adjust the window width.

I've re-looked through the entire Settings menu, adjusted various things, all with no positive effect on adjusting Transfer Column Widths.  More specificially, I've checked here:  User-Interface --> Behavior --> Scrolling options --> Configure:  None of the options in here, when modified from their defaults are helpful

I've temporarily enabled the Web-interface to examine how that view looks, and though it presents a web'ified view, it isn't what I'm looking for.  And I couldn't adjust the column-widths in their, either.  So I disabled the web-interface.

What additional information would you need me to research, document and provide to assist with identifying the problem and work towards resolving it?

This really is the greatest torrent client.  I really like its functionality and organization.
Thank you.
by notaLamer on 2024/06/23 05:15:05 PM    
Tix 3.25, KDE 6. I can change widths, reorder columns as usual.
by TixMan on 2024/06/24 05:28:50 AM    
I wonder then what I could have set which alters or prevents it from working for me.
by notaLamer on 2024/07/11 02:41:46 PM    
I am still using X11 if this makes any difference.

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