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hello mouse gestures not works

by Guest on 2024/04/09 11:39:01 PM    
hello. sir Developer
I couldn't inquire because I don't speak English.
It was written using a translator.

Version 3.17 works with mouse gestures (strokeit).
Later versions will not work.

The latest version uses mouse gestures on the list screen.
Window minimization does not work.

I'm sorry for asking, so I kept holding on and used the older version, but I want to use the latest version.

Thank you for your hard work, always.
by Guest on 2024/04/11 08:49:12 AM    
3.19 works for mouse gestures for me, it was the last version before the major changes.
by Guest on 2024/04/12 06:41:51 AM    
Since version 3.19, mouse gestures are no longer supported due to major changes?
I'm so sad because I love tixati so much.
Thank you for answer. have a good day. :)
by Guest on 2024/04/12 03:07:34 PM    
what exactly is "mouse gestures"?
what is not working?
by Guest on 2024/04/12 10:00:05 PM    
Mouse gestures are literally mouse gestures. I wrote above that I would use strokit... hehe
You can conveniently use utilities with gestures.
by Guest on 2024/05/25 11:12:45 PM    
Hello developer
Thank you for your dedication.
I really hope that mouse gestures will be fixed someday.
you are busy, I will wait patiently.
3.25 has not been fixed yet.
3.17 mouse gesture works
3.19 ~3.25 not working
Thank you for always.
by mousegesture on 2024/07/13 12:17:52 AM    
Hello developer
Thank you for your dedication.
It's not fixed yet(3.26), but I will always wait~
The weather is hot, so take care of your health.
by janet on 2024/08/23 03:53:01 AM    
Upgrade to v3.29, this should be fixed.
by mousegesture on 2024/09/01 08:08:43 AM    
Thank you so much. I checked that it is a portable version and was going to leave a thank you message on the forum. But I saw that the admin janet wrote that it was fixed. I am so grateful and I will click on the advertisement every day when the Android app is released. Take care of your health and always be lucky. Please understand that the text is strange because it is a machine translation.

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