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Home screen after update is blank

by Guest on 2024/04/07 11:16:38 PM    
Well, nearly so. There is nothing on it except at the top there is a bar right below the buttons. On the left end of the bar it says "guest xxx" and has a long alphanumeric string below that. On the right end of the bar there several buttons: a "plus", a "pencil", a "redo" or loop, a button with what look like lines, and a red, slashed circle that brings up a pop-up that says ignored if clicked upon.

I don't think I have changed anything except to add an RSS feed and to update to 3.24.

How do I get back to "normal"?

Oh, yeah. I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS should that make a difference.
by Guest on 2024/04/08 10:51:12 AM    
This is the new normal.
the home tab now contains your share tab, your user name, your public key, and ways to edit your share.
the info that was in the home tab has been moved.
the bandwidth tab, in the advanced button has the byte counter
the ?/help button->diagnostics has the system log and the incoming connections.
by Guest on 2024/04/08 01:40:29 PM    
Ok. Thanks. I should have looked at the changelog more carefully.
by Guest on 2024/04/08 06:28:03 PM    
Check this post:

Home screen just reappeared as it was in the older versions.
by Guest on 2024/04/11 08:45:31 AM    
I find the home screen extremely useful for checking status, so for this reason I leave channels disabled. Enabling channel support in tixati removes the home screen page for me so I no longer run channels in Tixati, I hope this is fixed at somepoint.
by Guest on 2024/06/30 05:37:59 PM    
I don't like this either. Turning channels off restored the original home screen for me. Thanks for the tip.
by notaLamer on 2024/07/11 03:32:13 PM    
Many people use channels without ever engaging in share list edits. I would like to see the old statistics column with channels enabled too.

To make the screen useful and shares self-explanatory I propose this:
1. Always show the old statistics column, there's enough horizontal space.
2. For the shares there should be a channel selector button. I imagine this as another row under the current username.

|Showing your shares as if viewed in: DROP-DOWN MENU   ADD/EDIT/REFRESH BUTTONS|
|If channel default is selected, one-two sentence explanation that its default for all unedited channels and refer to F1/Tixati wiki
|Share contents

The greatest obstacle right now is people don't understand their share lists at all. In some cases people put one or two links unknowingly. In others there are all their transfers and then they join like 10 channels, duplicating share lists tenfold and Tixati doesn't have any deduplication in place for lists.

The drop-down menu must have these separated:
- Global default
- Edited channels i.e. not global default
- Under a submenu all available/joined channels that only contain global default

This way you would see at a glance which channels are custom or not. If you wanted to treat a new channel specially, you easily could from here. There's currently no way to check if a channel uses the default or a custom sharing list (other than clicking each channel one by one and inspecting the shares).

A new list edit button: reset to default, i.e. mirror of global default. Alternatively this could be used to select whether to reset to global default or select which edited channel to mirror.

If the global default is completely empty (it is preselected in this view by default) then the text field should be either deactivated+a new section on top or just replaced with a more complete textual explanation than above on what all that's for and a link to Tixati wiki.

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