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Check for updates issue in VPN

by Guest on 2024/04/05 03:25:47 AM    
I'm using a VPN for anonymous torrenting.
I understand that the inability to access the tiaxti.com website while using the VPN is likely a measure to defend against numerous advertising attacks.
However, I think it's problematic that even basic functions like the check update feature in the Tixati program are not working due to IP blocking.
by Guest on 2024/04/06 12:11:24 AM    
Good to see you using Tixati - welcome to the club!

Tixati website is not usually blocked anywhere? Tixati is only a download and messaging tool, like Chrome/Firefox is a browser tool to view the web.

On some VPN providers they do seem to have ad-blockers which are supposed to stop people getting scammed (advertised to us as "cyber-security features")
Sounds like you need to check your VPN App and look through the settings (or help pages on your VPN provider) to see how to enable/disable that ad-blocker setting.
Maybe try your VPN provider page and see if they have a support chat popup to ask?

Tixati (the app) when you 'check for updates' it contacts the website too. So if your web browser can't view Tixati site, then neither will Tixati App get any access.

From what you're saying the VPN internet works but only for some things?

If you let us know your VPN company without advertising it too much, we could try and locate some instructions for you?

Hope you can get somewhere with this, please update what happens on here. Thanks
by Guest on 2025/02/20 09:48:50 AM    
My problem is shown below:

also visits to www.tixati.com are blocked.

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