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Cannot select new Move On Complete location

by zaboca50 on 2024/04/03 10:16:12 PM    
Since the last two updates (at least) I cannot now select a new location under "Move on Complete". When I choose "Browse" to select a new location, the Windows is sometimes blank and at other times, it shows me some folders but with no option to select their subfolders to get to the one I want. Seems like a bug. Any ideas?
by Guest on 2024/04/04 03:07:32 AM    
What version of Tixati and what OS?
Ive tried v3.24 in both Linux and win 7 and both work properly.
Where are you clicking to try to change the Move on Complete?
by zaboca50 on 2024/04/04 01:34:26 PM    
I am currently on version 3.24 on Windows 11.

To change the Move on Complete I either click on "Change" under the Move on Complete section, when the transfer is being loaded or, if it is already loaded, by right-clicking on the file, selecting "Location" and doing the same. I have also tried going to "Settings>Transfers>Locations>Location shortcuts in transfer context menu" and adding locations there.

Oddly, it worked this morning, but then stopped again. I have tried restarting the application and even the computer.
by Guest on 2024/04/05 04:54:24 AM    
are you sure you are trying to choose folders you have permission to choose?
by Guest on 2024/04/05 11:37:38 PM    
Getting this issue as well. It worked fine before from a few versions ago. I updated tixati to the latest version and suddenly move on completion doesn't work. My completed downloads stay in the "incomplete" folder. The option is selected. I do have access to the folder I'm trying to move them to. I will likely downgrade to an older version, I guess...

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