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UPNP cannot be stopped

by Guest on 2024/04/01 09:36:08 AM    
Before was possible to disable UPNP from Network/Incomming ports.
in v.3.24 at least after PC is restarted UPNP is enabled again.

Anyway this to be fixed.. my router behaves badly if UPNP is on.
by Guest on 2024/04/01 03:04:44 PM    
Are you having the tick/checkbox come back on after restart?
Has this issue only started for you with v3.24 or on previous versions?


Or the checkbox remains empty but Tixati app still tries configure the UPNP

How are you testing? Are you seeing the UPNP connections in your router?
by Guest on 2024/04/02 03:48:33 PM    
Hello, the tick was back (CHECKED) after restart.
But i tested again now and its fine when, stays disabled after restart... strange..
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