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Transfer details tabs do not work after updating to 3.24

by Guest on 2024/03/30 09:04:13 PM    
After updating to 3.24 the transfer details tab do not work anymore - it stays i.e. on file listings, and while the 'selected tab' changes, that does not change the content for, i.e. trackers, options, etc.
This is a significant regression.
by Guest on 2024/03/30 09:08:13 PM    
For example: https://ibb.co/jJz6W3D
by Guest on 2024/03/30 11:17:25 PM    
What OS?
I tried this in linux and win7 and both worked properly.
Does this happen for all torrents? All the time?
How long after restarting Tixati does this start happening?

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