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[Feature Request] RSS/Filter/Test button new column

by Guest on 2024/03/24 06:43:38 AM    
I really enjoy the RSS/Filter/Test button and use it often.  I'd like to suggest adding a 4th column to the existing Pass/Name/Source columns.  That would be Fail Reason.  For those of us struggling with RSS filters it would be awesome to know why each item failed.  Starting left to right list the first Match that caused the item to fail.  If the item matched everything then starting left to right list the first Exclude that caused the item to fail.  Thanks a lot for considering this suggestion!!!!

 The arrow buttons at the top and bottom of the scrollbars have been missing on Windows 7 since v3.19.
by Guest on 2024/03/24 01:47:08 PM    
v3.19 was the last version to have the arrow buttons at the top and bottom of the scrollbars on Windows 7.

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