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3.22 Win; location/moc prompt waking all drives

by Guest on 2024/03/12 01:03:53 AM    
With the UI rewrite, when selecting a custom location/move-on-complete, it now automatically expands the "This PC" group and wakes all my drives. Is it possible to disable this behavior?
by KH on 2024/03/23 04:41:08 PM    
Thanks very much for this report.

In v3.24 I changed the behavior of the This-PC / My Computer node to not attempt to check the child items to see if they are expandable.  It now uses a simple placeholder and assumes there are contents in each item.  It should not access the drive until it's actually expanded.

Let us know if there's still any problem with it immediately waking up all drives and I'll give it another try.  But I think this should have solved it.

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