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Share save multiple torrent files

by Guest on 2024/03/09 02:20:10 PM    
Can't share multiple torrent files. Discovered for a need to move thousands of seeding content to another machine.

Can create folder, but folder content stays empty. It works with seperate single files. Issue with v3.22, probably all older versions.
by stannaz on 2024/03/13 10:39:40 PM    
Same here, Windows 10 v3.22

Saving multiple torrent files via right click --> Share --> Save .torrent used to work on v3.19.
by janet on 2024/03/14 12:08:23 PM    
Thanks for reporting this.
The Dev is looking into it.
by janet on 2024/03/23 04:56:51 PM    
It should work correctly in v3.24.

If not, please let us know.
by stannaz on 2024/03/23 09:13:37 PM    
It's working in 3.24, thank you

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