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Tix Debian v3.22 - Watched folder on share no longer works

by Guest on 2024/03/09 01:07:47 PM    
In Settings-Trasnfers-MetaInfo - "open a .torrent moved into this folder" isn't working on watched network share. No .torrent files detected. Went back to previous tixati version and it works again.
by Guest on 2024/03/10 09:10:11 AM    
Just adding that the last Tixati version that works fine with file shares is 3.19-1, the versions after that the watch folder no longer works.

(Running a Virtualbox Debian Virtual machine (On windows 10 host) with a shared folder with the host for the .torrent files)
by janet on 2024/03/17 08:35:28 AM    
Thank you for reporting this problem.
It should be fixed in the next version.
by janet on 2024/03/23 04:57:32 PM    
This should work correctly in v3.24.

If not, please let us know.
by Guest on 2024/03/24 01:16:55 AM    
Tested Tix Deb 3.24, Works perfectly once again with both .torrent and .url (used for magnet link pushing to tixati via a script)

Once again, thankyou very much!!!!

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