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Tixati v3.22.1 -- Creating a torrent with 256mb piece gives erro

by Francois424 on 2024/03/08 06:02:06 AM    
Hello everyone.

I was happy to read that Tixati now supports 256mb pieces.
So I created a new torrent of about 30 gigabytes w/256mb pieces, but when it was time to scan the files before seeding, I got the error : "invalid piece length in meta-file"

So I re-created the same torrent with the usual 64mb piece and it created without any issues.
It's a low-priority issue, but whenever it is convenient, it would be nice to patch it.

Thanks for your hard work on TIXATI, and have a great week-end.
- Running Windows 10 Version 22H2 (19045.4046)
by notaLamer on 2024/03/09 04:31:48 PM    
offtopic: I hope you only did it as a test and not to send this torrent to others. Older utorrent clients only support 16 MiB pieces and maybe other clients do too. The old general recommendation was to have between 1000-2000 pieces per torrent to make sure the download/upload can be distributed well among peers.
30000/256 makes only 120 pieces. Downloading the last pieces of a torrent will take ages because they are so huge. Lower download speeds for last pieces because it's usually one active piece per peer.
by Francois424 on 2024/03/10 07:06:08 AM    
Yes I ran it as a test, but I regularly make 64megs-pieces in my torrent.
I have lots of connexions and usually transfer quite a lot over a month. It works like a charm.
However, If ppl like running 8+ years old software that's a "them" problem tbh, and I don't really care... at all.

But I agree, usually 1000 parts was recommended to me on Reddit as well.
Still, I'm not the kind of guy to cater to old software that has been obsolete for years now.

But the "bug" still stands, and I have a 6.22 Terrabyte archive who would love the 256-megabyte pieces.
by KH on 2024/03/23 04:34:28 PM    
Thanks for the reports.

All should be working correctly for 256MB pieces in v3.24.

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