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Speed up "Initializing Files"?

by koesherbacon on 2014/06/09 11:05:22 AM    
Hi there.  This has probably been asked before, but since there's no search option for this forum I'm going to ask anyway.

Is there a way to speed up the "Initializing Files" phase after adding a .torrent file?  This sometimes takes a long time, especially for large files and folders.

If there is not a feature that could speed this up, can I request something that could do so in a future version?

Thanks a lot!
by Sailor24 on 2014/06/10 07:52:42 AM    
If I understand you correctly, settings/transfers/ local files/file allocation. Change this to sparse files.
Warning you must keep an eye on your own disk space with this choice. If you start a download you will only get a warning when you run out of dick space. On the default setting you get the warning when you try and create the file at the beginning.
by Bugmagnet on 2014/06/10 08:41:29 PM    
you can search the site by adding to various web search engines such as the ones at ixquick ... an aside, that particular search engine does not cyberstalk you like google does.

Try the ixquick search for: "Initializing Files"

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