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Renaming file in single file torrent doesnt work

by Guest on 2024/03/01 08:51:12 AM    
When starting a new torrent which has a single file i used to rename the file, click start and everything worked as i wanted it to work.
Now i rename the file, but the title remains the same, i click start and the torrent is inserted with the title and file not renamed.
by Guest on 2024/03/01 01:33:04 PM    
I tried this in both Windows and Linux and both renamed the file correctly.
How are you loading the torrent?
When/where are you trying to rename the file?
by Guest on 2024/03/01 10:07:51 PM    
I do it with auto load from watched folder.
It works if i rename the torrent title, but it doesnt work if i rename the file. it used to work with file rename if the torrent had only 1 file.
by Guest on 2024/03/01 10:29:37 PM    
I see what your talking about now.
You can only rename the torrent name of a single file torrent, not the file name.
by janet on 2024/03/23 04:56:08 PM    
Thanks for reporting this

It should work correctly in v3.24.

If not, please let us know.

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