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Tixati 3.21: Widget Styles in Settings panel does not work

by Guest on 2024/02/28 02:17:30 PM    
Hello there, I just updated to version 3.21 and I'm confused as to why the Widget Styles category under the User Interface in the Settings is now not working.

OS: Windows 10 x64
Version: Tixati Portable v3.21 x64

Up until version 3.19 I had menus, buttons and toolbars set to text labels only, now it shows icons by default.
by janet on 2024/02/29 07:28:14 PM    
Tixati v3.22 should probably be released tomorrow with the ability to change the widget styles.
It will be in Settings - Behavior.
by Guest on 2024/02/29 08:18:21 PM    
Hi janet, thank you very much for the info and to the Devs as well for their work on this fantastic piece of software!
by Guest on 2024/03/03 06:50:21 AM    
missing text + icon option, can this be added again please?
thank you so much for your hard work.

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