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hash-link transfer name is cut off at the end?

by Guest on 2024/02/24 09:44:50 PM    
I have these three hash-link names and the one appears truncated in the GUI and web interface exactly the same:
hash-link: Abcdefg - Qwertyu Asdfg (1234) GHJKS [Zxcvbn] {rar} (0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567)
hash-link: Thy Bug - Qwertyuiopas (1234) GHJKS [Zxcvbn] {rar} (0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567)
hash-link: Thy Bug - Zxc Asd Re Asdfghj (1234) GHJKS [Zxcvbn] {rar} (0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF012345

I replaced symbols but the structure is the same. Is this expected? The cut off is at the 108th character/column. This is English ASCII, not Unicode.

Currently Tixati v3.19 but I don't remember the version when these were loaded in Tixati.

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