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change location colum to full path

by Guest on 2024/01/28 06:25:57 PM    
The location column in transfers only shows the folder the torrent is in which is not that useful.
Could you please change it to show the full file path including drive letter or add an option that does?

by Guest on 2024/01/29 02:44:51 AM    
If you hover over the folder name in the column you will see the path
by Guest on 2024/08/09 02:17:03 PM    
The location column in transfers only shows the folder the torrent is in which is not that useful.
Could you please change it to show the full file path including drive letter or add an option that does?

by Guest on 2024/12/25 02:37:58 AM    
Tixati also only sorts the column on what is displayed, not the full path. If you use multiple locations that all end in the same folder name they will all be mixed together in the sort.

Request the option to display the full path.
Request that Tixati sort that column using the full path regardless of whether full or short path is displayed.

by Herkules97 on 2025/02/13 07:13:25 PM    
Hovering over a singular entry in that column to see full path is useless.
Need the full path displayed just like in qB, so it can actually be sorted.

I was yet again disappointed because this was an issue years ago and now that I started up Tixati again, it's still an issue.
All we got was that hovering since and that's not useful unless you only run like 10 torrents at a time.
Tixati already runs like poo as it is, you may as well add it in if you think it will worsen performance.
One of the most useful features to have, if anything should be in even if performance gets worse it's that.
It took them almost 8 years to reply to that other post, 2285, about the hovering.
Maybe if more and more reply here, we'll have full path in 2032 :D.
by Guest on 2025/02/14 01:47:11 PM    
how do you remember post number?
by Herkules97 on 2025/02/17 06:52:23 AM    
In this case I didn't remember anything, I had the posts open that were linked from a Google search.

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