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How to obtain a list of all download?

by Guest on 2024/01/19 03:37:24 AM    
Is there a way to obtain a list of data from the Transfer View windows and output as text or Excel file?
by Guest on 2024/02/14 04:08:44 AM    

If this feature is not available, would the developer(s) consider adding it in future release?
by notaLamer on 2024/02/14 10:52:16 PM    
What happens if you ctrl+c, ctrl+v a single transfer?
Have you tried to copy the listing from the web interface?
by Guest on 2024/02/23 05:29:37 AM    
Not possible, C&P doesn't work in either case.

At the moment, I didn't delete/remove completed torrent. It takes a while for Tixati to load when as the list get bigger.
by Guest on 2024/02/24 09:34:21 PM    
If you go to the web page with transfers, open the "View Source" and copy all that HTML to a single file called "tixati-web-transfers.txt" then the following shell command will extract transfer names one per line. It should work until major changes in the HTML structure:

grep --after-context 8 'class="xfername' tixati-web-transfers.txt | grep -Po 'a href[^>]+>\K(.*?)</a>' | sed -e 's@</a>$@@g'

1. Grab the line and 8 following lines matching class "xfername"
2. In these lines find the link element because it contains the name of a transfer
3. Clean up the </a> tag that's left over from the previous match

If this works (and I hope the file didn't break due to a manual copy from the View HTML Source) then we need to automate the file download:

curl --digest --user MYWEBUSER:MYWEBPASSWORD > transfers.html
This will save the transfers page to "transfers.html"

FINAL: If this works too then we can combine both and output the transfer names to a file:

curl --digest --user MYWEBUSER:MYWEBPASSWORD | grep --after-context 8 'class="xfername' | grep -Po 'a href[^>]+>\K(.*?)</a>' | sed -e 's@</a>$@@g' > transfers-list.txt

If you want it sorted, you can append another command after the last sed. The command is conveniently called sort: "sed -e .... | sort > output.txt"

OK what's needed to run this? If you are on Linux you already have all the tools needed. Maybe you will need to install curl.

If you are on Mac then you probably have them all available in the Terminal except for curl or the GNU grep used here. Follow one of the many guides to install GNU coreutils, new bash and curl. Then run this line.

If you are on Windows you can make use of WSL or download an alternative way to execute these commands with Cygwin.

The Cygwin exe you will download is both a first time install/updater and a way to download some of these programs (packages). If using Cygwin then make sure all these packages from below are marked for install. Then you can run the above command in the Cygwin terminal (command line). It will save the resulting file in its own home directory that you specified during install (one was for user files and another for package files). If you can't find the home directory on your disk, try the command cygpath . or ask the internet.

Packages: bash, coreutils (to include grep, sed, sort), curl

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