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IRC Chatroom

by Nili on 2014/06/08 10:37:13 AM    
I think we should have a formal chat room #tixati via IRC /server freenode to become even more attractive and for a direct communication with each other.

I'm addicted to IRC but always i turn off the chat feature on Tixati, i found it unnecessary for my preferences.
IRC Room is much more practical.

by Bugmagnet on 2014/06/10 01:16:27 AM    
tixati chatrooms are far superior to IRC

more private/secure
not anchored by a central server with admins who are empowered to monitor all goings-on.

that said, my experience is there aren't really any chatrooms on tixati. Seems times have changed and people don't sit and chat anymore. the social chit-chat has moved to facebook. Occasionally I have had some extended chats on tixati, but very rarely. Maybe people using torrents are a little more guarded? or at least, a little more busy in other facets of their life. I don't know for sure, but accept it is what it is. Then again, there could be thousands of very private tixati chatrooms that are not advertised so do not show up on the list of public channels,
by Nili on 2014/06/12 02:11:47 PM    
In my opinion security issue regarding "Chat" or "IRC client" (even is not such like IRC) on Torrent client seems misplaced and meaningless.

I just want official room, to chat regarding torrent client, bugs, feature and chat with people in real time. I do not have to hide or show secrets that i do not know where to tell.

Used to use mIRC since can't remember 13 years ago, for two year i am a WeeChat user, i use it mainly for technical purposes only. People today can use hundreds of ways by connecting to chatroom, although IRC is in historic decline for the reasons you cite.

I think devs should complete remove this feature from Tixati, so cutting some code can bring a little more fresh air to this application. And lead the people in a official room for chating live regarding bugs and feature like every other application.

This program needs to be lightweight, all of its "all" things not related to the world of torrenting are totally unnecessary.
Must think and code like in 2014 not before a decade ago "all in one". Better code with philosophy of simplicity (i am not a coder) but i tweak minimal linux system and so I've learned that simplicity is success.

Anyway, thanks dev for all the options you have given me opportunities to turn Off/On

This is my opinion, I am for an official IRC room #Tixati.
by Bugmagnet on 2014/06/13 09:20:52 AM    
Tixati does not prevent you from operating a #Tixati IRC chatroom. Go ahead and create it. No one will stop you.

If you prefer not to use the tixati channels, no problem. No one is forcing you to.

While the channels can of course be used for tixati support, they offer far greater potential by allowing people to connect and network. As you already know, channels have a setting for enable or disable. And apparently you use it. Removing that option is not my idea of progress.
by Guest on 2014/06/17 02:27:17 PM    
I like the Channels feature but it does require the use of Tixati. IRC would be somewhat useful in cases where people are looking for help and cannot use Tixati (perhaps broken, perhaps using currently unsupported OS). However if we had both then no one would log in to either. We need to have one official way of chat be it IRC or Channels.

A note about the channels though, it seems it connects to the channels on startup even when I don't manually connect to a channel.
by Bugmagnet on 2014/06/21 04:41:31 AM    
On that last note... I think I can help.


Uncheck/deselect: "Start previously running channels on program startup [__]"

As to getting help if you can't start/run Tixati (so can't join the Tixati User Help channel with it) you'd probably get as fast response here on this forum as elsewhere, absent a paid support staff. That said, I am not at all opposed to an IRC support channel. But I am finding few people are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for an occasional help request.

And on IRC, you have little or no anonymity. another factor for some
by Bugmagnet on 2014/06/21 05:47:55 AM    
Otay Nili - you asked for it - with a little extra security/privacy (encrypted chat and hidden host via an SSL connection)

Connect using an IRC Chat client:
port 6697 for SSL connection

To access IRC via a web browser (java or html), please visit

Once connected, /join #Tixati

No paid staff
just which ever users want to hang out and respond to help requests

We can give 6 months or so to see if it serves any purpose and if it gets enough helpful users to handle the questions that might arise
by Guest on 2016/10/04 04:53:40 AM    
I idle in the TUG tixati channel
are there other places people hang out to talk about tixati??

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