by Guest on 2023/12/08 01:36:25 AM
Lubuntu 22.04 and Tiaxti 3.19.
I have Tixati set to pre-allocate files. I recently stopped a transfer and wanted to remove the local files, but still keep the transfer just in case I wanted to run it.
I used the right-click menu on the transfer and under local files chose the delete option. It deleted the whole transfer along with the files.
I don't think this is right? There is already a 'delete transfer and remove local files' option, so I feel this was in error and it should have worked as I anticipated.
by Guest on 2023/12/14 02:28:51 AM
Thanks for suggestion to use the files pane, I will try that next time.
I hope this behavior will be considered an oversight and be changed to just get the local files. Or remove it altogether and expect to use the files pane. It wasn't a big deal to recover from, just a surprise to lose more than the files.