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Tixati doesn't respond to horizontal scroll wheel anymore

by Guest on 2023/09/25 06:42:15 PM    
Horizontal scrolling used to work in prior versions (I have current 3.19) earlier in this year. This is useful for those with horizontal scroll wheels for checking the data in the various columns
by Guest on 2023/09/27 02:14:40 AM    
It scrolls fine on Linux. Are you using Windows?
by Guest on 2023/09/27 05:04:24 PM    
Yes. Windows 11. Tixati 3.19.

Just to clarify, this is horizontal scrolling, not vertical scrolling
by notaLamer on 2023/09/27 06:46:07 PM    
scrolltest.ahk (autohotkey on Windows):
Sleep, 2000

Send {WheelDown}
Sleep, 300
Send {WheelUp}
Sleep, 300
Send {WheelRight}
Sleep, 300
Send {WheelLeft}
If AHK is installed just double-click to execute. Remember to click the target window for focus.

Scrolls vertically but not horizontally in Tixati 3.19 on Windows 7, confirmed.
Tixati 3.16: both scroll directions work.

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