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Tixati freezes on Linux when network interface not found

by notaLamer on 2023/09/22 02:53:26 PM    
Tixati v3.19
Kernel 6.1.53-1-MANJARO
gtk3 1:3.24.38-1

- Change the name of the network interface inside the Tixati network namespace (I think the network namespace part has nothing to do with it but I will provide commands if needed)
- Start Tixati inside its own namespace (it is bound to IPv4 and IPv6 using that interface name)
- See the window open where I left it, 0 connections etc etc
- The entire interface is frozen
- Try to open settings to change the bound interface... nothing

Workaround: change the interface name back, launch Tixati and change settings to new name. Relaunch everything, again back to new interface name in OS. Looks like the Tixati window unfreezes only when it connects to the internet
by Guest on 2024/03/11 09:26:19 PM    
I could not re-create this.  If anyone can , please post some commands.

su -
ip netns add ccc
ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1
ip link set veth1 netns ccc
ip netns exec ccc bash
now we are within the ccc namespace
ip link set dev lo up
ip addr add dev veth1
ip link set dev veth1 up
now we are back in the outer shell, normal namespace, non-root
sudo ip netns exec ccc ./tixati

Tixati is now running in the ccc namespace.
In Tixati, set IPv4 interface to veth1.
Wait one minute, then exit Tixati.

We rename the interface.
sudo ip link set dev veth1 name veth3

Now run Tixati in the ccc namespace again.
sudo ip netns exec ccc ./tixati

Couldn't get it to freeze up or anything, seems to be fine.

This was on Fedora 39 Mate with latest updates.

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