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Stop Showing Numbers After Torrent's Status?

by koesherbacon on 2014/06/04 09:09:03 AM    
Hi there.

I just downloaded Tixati and really like it so far.  I have a question, however, which I hope someone can answer for me.

Is there a way to get rid of the numbers being shown after the torrent's status?  If that's not clear, here's a screencap with the area in question highlighted -- http://i.imgur.com/nQtY3jS.png

Thanks a lot!
by Guest on 2014/06/05 10:22:57 AM    
these numbers are how many seeders/leechers are counted/connected on this torrent
the column 'Status' can be enable/disable from the menu

on the right of the 'Transfert' window click the 'Layout' button/icon
then select 'Select Columns...'
from the 'Select Columns...' dialog box choose 'Transfers View' Tab
then uncheck the Status checkbox

take a look at the others checkbox

hope it helps
by Bugmagnet on 2014/06/05 07:23:38 PM    
koesherbacon... It is not possible under the current version to turn off the seed/peer count stats without turning off the status column itself.

Many, including myself have asked for these 3 things to be separated since combining them in one column limits the usefulness of the data. As it, we can't sort by count of seeds or peers which is extremely useful for some purposes.

If in some upcoming version update these are separated into their own columns, then you'll be able to configure tixati to show you what you want and to hide the rest.
by Sailor24 on 2014/06/07 05:23:45 AM    
There is also another feature that is useful. I have a lot of columns checked but don't always want to see them. So slip up to the left side of where it says status right to the edge of the box. When you are on the line the cursor changes, left click and make the box smaller by dragging to the right. When you need to look at seed count do the opposite.

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