by Guest on 2023/07/30 02:21:57 PM
I'm using v3.19 on windows 10, i5-6300H 2.8GHz, 16GB RAM, system drive is SSD,
There are delays and lags when performing page interactions, such as adding a torrent and switching pages.
From the task manager, it takes up about 1.8G+ of ram and less than 10% of CPU.
How to make this client less laggy?
biglybt, bitcomet, qbittorrent,etc, never lag when performing the above on my PC.
by Guest on 2023/09/13 10:04:56 AM
Hi, I'm OP, After trying the above methods, it's still laggy, e.g. open settings page or click the "+" button to add new tasks.
there is no one torrent tasks in it, usually I just use this client to create new torrent files.