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Suspension mode

by Guest on 2023/07/10 12:47:48 AM    
Hi, I have a new HP computer with windows 11, before I had an HP with windows 10 and when I started tixati the computer never went to suspension mode, only the screen went black, but now with the new one the computer go to suspension mode even when I have the tixati opens and sharing things. I have try to look for something on the settings to avoid it, but I can't find anything. The only solution I've found is to not allow the computer to go to suspension mode.
But I prefer what I had before, that when I starts the program, the computer don't go to suspension mode.

I hope someone could help me, thank you so much.
by Guest on 2023/07/12 02:27:28 PM    
I post this to more clarification.

I run Windows 11
Since some time the computer shuts down although I have Tixati running and downloading.
Before this did not happen.
Can you help me out what to do?

When Tixati is NOT running the computer shuts down after 3 minutes. This should stay the same.
It was like that before, so ...

Kind regards

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