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How to restore Tixati after computer break

by Guest on 2023/06/30 05:46:10 PM    
Aloha Tixati friends,

I used to run Tixati 3.16 but my computer abruptly died and was not worth fixing. I now have a new one.

I think I can read the old HDD using a USB reader and recover Tixati configs from the install directory.
I have installed Tixati 3.19 on my new fresh computer but config is factory setting empty so can I copy over configs and restore  ???

My downloaded files were always stored on D: USB removable HDD so files seem still work OK without needing Tixati.
But I just would like the downloaded files to be back in the 'Tixati list menu' please?

Please can someone offer a method to restore without needing to redownload everything again.

Hope someone can describe which configs are needed? Thank you.
by notaLamer on 2023/07/03 05:16:08 PM    
Find the tixati app data folder where it stores it's config.  This is usually c:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\tixati
From one of the forum threads. If you had a portable Tixati, it's in the same folder as the .exe file.

Backup these files and then experiment with the new Tixati install. I think you should just copy over all .dat files. If your external HDD is on D: again then it should find everything automatically. If not, I suggest you change the drive letter.
by Guest on 2023/07/13 01:58:57 AM    

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