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File too large...

by Guest on 2023/06/10 08:24:52 PM    
This behaviour /bug is present since ages...
I have a torrent with over 14000 files that monthly are updated/altered.
So, whenewer I redownload torrent to keep files updated, and hit recheck I get files too large error and the file checking is stopped.
The only way to go on with the checking is delete the file incriminated and hit again force recheck, until a new file too big error appears... really annoying with hundreds of them...
A correct behaviour should check file size first and if different delete the file to redownload it since obviously 2 files with different size cannot have the same CRC.
by Guest on 2024/07/15 09:17:59 PM    
Still present in tixati 3.26...
About this https://forum.tixati.com/support/7929  :
The solution illustrated to mitigate the problem is not so smart...

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