you should add the source column in the peers view to see where this peer is coming from
on Tixati's transfer screen, click the "layout" button in the top right corner, choose "Select Columns", go to the "Peers View" tab, enable "Source", and close.
on the peers screen you will now see a new column showing how Tixati learned of every peer.
possible values that I've seen are are:
User (caused by the add peer function on the options tab of a transfer)
Tracker (a torrent tracker gave you this peer, most common)
PEX (Peer Exchange, your client learned about this peer from another peer)
DHT (Distributed Hash Table, see )
Incoming (you are properly connectable and your client received an outside connection)
Meta (a part of the .torrent metadata, like a webseed url)
if I was to hazard a guess, you will see "Tracker". a lot of trackers don't optimize what they send back, sending seeders other peers of seeders and in this case, your own peer address. your client has to deduce if they are of any use by attempting a connection.
PS: there are also lots of public trackers that will send a handful of garbage IPs as some sort of plausible deniability (albeit an annoying one) on top of this, just something to know.